LICENSE No. SDGT-2016-330016-1 [Related documents in Original PDF]

Date issued: Jan. 30 2018

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TURBOFAC Commentary (299 words)


1) License issued for an SDGT to pay court-imposed sanctions against him in connection with a lawsuit in which he was a defendant. Note that the SDGT was abroad at the time, and technically not a "U.S. person" that was "within the United States" for the purposes of the exclusion to the license reproduced below:

Payments authorized by this License must not originate from a source within the United States, or from any source outside the United States within the possession or control of a U.S. person, or from any entity or individual, other than Wael Jelaidan, whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to any statute, Executive order, or Chapter V of Title 31 of the C.F.R. Such sources may include Faisal Finance (Switzerland) S...