Notable "Derivative" Designations - Treasury Targets Iran’s Billion Dollar Metals Industry and Senior Regime Officials

Date issued: Jan. 10 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (860 words)


1) For the criteria we use to determine what designation notices to include in the Research System, see Introductory Note Common to all Derivative Designation Notices Included in the Research System.

2) This designation notice includes some designations that are of a "pure secondary sanctions" nature, meaning that they were made in response to international trade transactions that were not alleged to have been deceptive, contrary to international law, or illegal in any country having jurisdiction over the transactions.

*Pamchel Trading Beijing Co. Ltd. – The entity was designated for "having knowingly engaged, on or after the date of the E.O. 13871, in a significant transaction for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of iron, iron products, aluminum, aluminum products, steel, steel products, copper, or copper products from Iran, as well as for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided...