Executive Order 13902 - Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran

Date issued: Jan. 10 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1265 words)


[10-10-2020 Update: on Oct. 8, 2020, OFAC made a sectoral determination pursuant to Sec. 1(a)(i) of EO 13902 for the "financial sector" of Iran. This and related items are discussed in Consolidated Comment on the Sanctioning of the Iranian Financial Sector Pursuant to E.O. 13902, General License L and Related FAQs Issued on 10-8-2020. Also, on 12-7-2020, OFAC amended and issued certain FAQs to address the specific question of what types of activities are considered "sanctionable" for non-U.S. persons dealing with the financial sector of Iran and Iranian financial institutions blocked solely pursuant to EO 13599 and EO 13902].


EO 13902 is modeled on EO 13871 of May 8, 2019 (Imposing Sanctions With Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of Iran), the latter of which has been implemented in parts 561 and...