31 CFR § 560.427 - Exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of financial services to Iran or the Government of Iran.

Date issued: Oct. 22 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (557 words)


1) This provision is unique to the ITSR, but as an interpretation of the scope of what constitutes a "financial service" of which the export would be prohibited by an ordinary IEEPA-based export ban, the provision has presumptive cross-programmatic applicability. The provisions cross-referencing the ITSR-specific banking provisions (e.g. 560.516 and 560.320) are not of cross-programmatic relevance.

2) This provision was issued shortly after the U.S. government's loss in United States v. Banki, 685 F.3d 99 (2nd Cir. 2011), where the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the version of the ITR in force at the relevant time was insufficiently clear on whether the use of hawalas and other informal remittance...