31 CFR § 560.420 - Reexportation by non-U.S. persons of certain foreign-made products containing U.S.-origin goods or technology.

Date issued: Oct. 22 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (351 words)


1) 560.420 is integral to the interpretation of the basic re-exportation prohibition of 560.205. Read in conjunction with 560.205, and comments thereto.

This interpretive provision at least appears to set up a de minimis calculation mirroring the one found in the EAR, which has its own 10% de minimis rule with respect to re-exports of U.S.-origin goods to Iran. See BIS De minimis Rules and Guidelines - § 734.4 and Supplement No. 2 to part 734 of the EAR (as modified on 11 April 2018).

OFAC has not provided guidance conclusively stating that the calculation methodologies for the purposes of its de minimis rule are identical to the BIS analogue. In general, it should be expected that calculations passing muster...