31 CFR § 561.404 - Significant transaction or transactions; significant financial services; significant financial transaction.

Date issued: Mar. 15 2013

TURBOFAC Commentary (95 words)


This definitional provision is broadly similar to the one used in other secondary sanctions contexts (compare 510.413 (NKSR) with 561.404 (IFSR) and 562.404 (HFSR)). Refer to General Note on Secondary Sanctions and “Derivative Designation” Criteria; Identification of the Gap Between the Theoretical and Practical Scopes of Authorities Targeting Transactions with no U.S. Nexus; Enforcement Risk Management (System Ed. Note). That note discusses the theoretical and practical scope of the notion of a "significant transaction." Refer also to the Research System for documents categorized as dealing with the "significant transaction" determination for secondary sanctions purposes.