31 CFR § 561.319 - Petroleum products.

Date issued: Feb. 27 2012

TURBOFAC Commentary (82 words)

Notes Common to 516.318 and 561.319 and 561.330"

1) The definitions of "petroleum," "petroleum products" and "petrochemical products" are, within the IFSR, relevant only for the NDAA-based sanctions (561.203).

2) Consult the State Department's illustrative lists of items falling within the scope of "Petroleum," "Petroleum products" and "Petrochemical products."

https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-11-13/pdf/2012-27642.pdf, referred to in FAQ 323 (archived).

3) Compare definitions of petroleum-related terms in the Iran Sanctions Act, which may differ.