OFAC FAQ (Current) # 401 - 50% Rule

Date issued: Aug. 13 2014

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TURBOFAC Commentary (477 words)


1) Note that there is a difference between the notion of "dealing indirectly" in blocked property and dealing directly in property in which a blocked person has an "indirect interest." Both are prohibited independent of one another. Here, the objective is to identify "indirect interests" in property, which once identified cannot be dealt in, even indirectly (i.e. facilitation, transactions through intermediaries, etc.)

2) Consult the Research System for enforcement actions resulting from a lack of due diligence concerning entities owned 50% or more by blocked persons, including enforcement actions based on foreign banks "causing" U.S.-person banks to process transactions in which SDNs had an indirect interest through entities in which they owned stakes of 50% or greater. See e.g. Barclays Bank Plc (Second action) (2016).

3) The concept of "indirect ownership" that OFAC applies varies significantly from the...