Comet Enterprises Ltd. v. Air-A-Plane Corp. - OFAC Amicus Brief (1997)

Date issued: Jul. 31 1997

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TURBOFAC Commentary (731 words)


1) OFAC Amicus Brief interpreting several provisions, since amended, of the ITR (now ITSR). In general, this dispute can be characterized as a U.S. company attempting to use the ITR and associated executive orders to avoid complying with the terms of a contract of which performance was specifically licensed.

2) The brief says that "as general matter, OFAC has considered commission payments for authorized, completed sales transactions to fall within the definition of 'financing agreements.'" Financing agreements (in quotes) derives from the text of the part of the relevant EO referring to "letters of credit and other financing agreements with respect to existing trade contracts," but query whether references to "financing" throughout the regulations in general likewise encompass commission arrangements....